Privacy Policy for Answer Lens Welcome to Answer Lens, the app designed to provide answers from text in images, enhancing your experience with every query. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data to ensure transparency and trust. 1. Data Collection and Usage At Answer Lens, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. The data we collect is essential for the functionality of the app and to improve your user experience. The types of data we collect include: Credits Balance: The number of credits available in your account for app usage. Activity Data: The number of pictures taken, visits to the app, and ads watched. This information helps us understand app usage patterns and improve our services. This data is stored securely and is not linked to your personal identity but rather to a unique device ID. 2. User Consent and Opt-Out Due to the nature of our app, opting out of data collection is not available. The data collected is necessary for the app's operational functionality and to provide the services outlined in our Terms of Service. 3. Data Sharing Your data is not shared with any third parties. We value your privacy and have taken steps to ensure your data remains secure and confidential. 4. Data Security We employ robust security measures to protect your data. This includes storing your information in a secure database to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification. 5. User Rights As the data collected is not personally identifiable and is associated with your device ID, traditional user data rights such as access, correction, and deletion are not applicable. However, we ensure that this data is handled with the utmost care and security. 6. International Data Transfers We do not transfer data internationally. All data collected by Answer Lens is stored and processed within the jurisdiction in which the app is operated. 7. Policy Updates We reserve the right to update this privacy policy as necessary to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. Users will be notified of any significant changes through an in-app pop-up notification. 8. Contact Us Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or our data practices, please contact us at We are committed to addressing your queries and ensuring your experience with Answer Lens is secure and satisfying.